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"Star Wars" Toy Photographs - Charitable Fundraiser

"I love you."

"I know."

I have been a massive Star Wars for as long as I can remember. To this day, the franchise brings me so much pleasure, and a perfect way to briefly escape reality, whether it be through the movies, TV shows, books, etc.

Over the years, I have sold or given away all of my childhood toys, but I kept everything from the Star Wars universe. My action figures, particularly from the first two movies, are my most cherished of the bunch.

A couple of winters ago, while I was in my downtime from the wedding season, I gave myself a project to photograph these specific action figures from my personal collection. I wanted to highlight all the chipped paint, peeling stickers, broken limbs, glued-on heads from unsuspecting decapitations, and all the details that made my figures distinguishable from anyone else's.

I've been trying to figure out how to share these images of my collection, and I thought this would be a perfect time finally unveil all of them to the general public. In addition to providing a nostalgic distraction from our shared situation, I also want these images to aid others in the fight against COVID-19 coronavirus.

To view the photos, please visit the link here. You can also purchase prints and other products for all 96 of these images. With every purchase, I will donate 100% of the proceeds to the World Central Kitchen. There are so many wonderful charities out there working on all aspects of helping us through these trying times, and World Central Kitchen is one important piece of this puzzle with their work in providing meals to individuals, families, and vulnerable communities impacted by this virus.

I hope these images bring joy to all fans of Star Wars and toy photography!


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